Home » DIY / Painted Mason Jars

DIY / Painted Mason Jars

Be brave enough to live life creatively. The creative place where no one else has ever been. Alan Alda
Today I am sharing a very easy DIY project! This one can brighten any day, literally! I recently was window shopping looking for inspiration for new table decor and spring decor. I saw a colored mason jar and it gave me inspiration for color and decor.  Now why I didn’t buy the jar right away I have no idea. I went back later to purchase and they were gone. This jar was smooth and obviously not “hand painted” but it was pretty. I decided to make my own. I am very pleased with how it turned out! Instead of it looking new as the jar in the shop looked, it took on a vintage feel. Of course I adore all things vintage! I am still creating my new looks, but for now, ENJOY this simple project!
I have many jars! I just used what I had! I wanted a bigger jar with the Ball logo on the front and I wanted a smaller jar in a lighter color. I used a jelly jar for the lighter one. I purchased 2 bottles of Martha Stewart Satin Acrylic paint at Michael’s Craft store. I first tried a sponge brush but wasn’t thrilled with the look so I switched to a small brush I had on hand from my furniture painting supplies. The larger jar color is Surf and the lighter is Summer Haze. I do have acrylic paints but I was looking for specific blues. You simply paint the jar, nothing to it! I did 3 coats on these jars. If you want a more rustic look, do one coat! Imagine the color and decor possibilities!
I found the beautiful daffodils at Whole Foods, 3 bunches for $5.00! I absolutely love the yellow in the blue jar, it really adds sunshine to the space!
I will be back with you on Monday next week! Enjoy the rest of your week and your weekend!
Debbi K.

One Response to “DIY / Painted Mason Jars”

  1. Beth says:

    LOVE! Erin and I might have to try this out!

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